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Showing posts with the label sleep

Slip about Sleep | Relatables Post | Life Memer

So, Guys today's blog post is all about the God's Gift which is SLEEP, I'm not sure about anybody else but I'm the kind of person who will always choose sleep over anything in life. So let me first start with the greatness of a sleep, I got high before writing this blog because I didn't even have a single word in my mouth to express my love towards a sleep and the thing I like the most about a sleep is the passing time. Think this my way okay, I'm an introvert type of person so I specially cancel all my important plans and I also have guts to cancel the plan of my Best Friend's Birthday Party the only major day of the year in which my Best Friend is actually going to pay the major portion of the bill and I've done that by making a simple excuse which was "Bro, I can't come to your party bro because there's my other friend and he is in the hospital and i have to meet him before his operation", and literally with no regret...