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Showing posts with the label school memories

Copying an unique Art | School Life | Life Memer

Well, Today's blog post is about the one of a lot of things I hate about the school which is Homework or completing the notebook because in my school no one gives a Fuck about you're gaining knowledge or not. Well, I'm gonna share my school that you're not interested in listening but I'm gonna type anyway because keyboard is in my control right now but before the story let me be clear what actually I am talking about. According to my school, we have to write all the questions and answer from the back of the chapter and memorize it so that teacher can us the exact same question with a slightly different word and let us score the marks so that teacher will create her good reputation and as you all can relate that the questions and answers from the back of the chapter was our limit. Like literally we know nothing more than that because all we do is memorize them for the exam. Well, but that was not enough because there were some extra activity that will allo...

The Heat of The Moment Mistake | School Life | Life Memer

Today's Blog Post is about the mistake I've done in heat of the moment in my School . Well, It was 23rd October 2012, I was in 7th Class and just a random day at school. People around me just talking nuisance and killing my vibe and I was like "Bit*h don't kill my Vibe" and it was Mathematics period [3rd Period] and I was just acting like I'm the only one who is actually paying attention the teacher and then there 's this guy name 'Krishan' sitting just behind me tap on my shoulder and ask if i will play football in the next period which was of Games and Football is like my thing, I was addicted to it and there was no chance that i would say no to Football but I did and I don't know the actual reason but I did. After surviving the whole Mathematics class, It was Games period and we were at the school ground which is smaller than a normal school ground and I was just siting alone and by alone I meant Happily and then the guy Krishan ki...

The Voice | 2nd Day | Life-Memer

So, as you all know about what happen on the 1st Day and then, in next morning was not very much different until i realize that i can talk inside my head without saying anything out loud. Trust me it was literally like magic for me because I've never noticed my *Inside Voice* that much. The school started 1st period of school started and i was sitting on the 3rd bench and please don't ask me why 3rd and why not 1st bench today, because my confidence starting to decrease like every year but i was not alone on the 3rd bench i have my voice and constant talk about everything, i was literally noticing everything and then suddenly my crush approaches towards me and sit right next to my and she did not even asked my like we were some kind of friends but who cares when she is there. This time i was not speechless and started the talk with the dialogue "So, How you Doin?" And from that moment I've never stopped use different kind of references to fill my sentences a...

The Voice | 1st Day | Life-Memer

The Day where it All started Before i tell you all what actually happen at that time, I should tell you that i live in India and here things are quiet different. So it was my first of 9th Class and i just finished my 1st TV Series [FRIENDS] in the holidays and i was excited to use all the Sarcasm and all the jokes in real and class 9th in a bit different from the previous classes, so i was all packed up with my stuff to fight the 9th standard with using my sarcasm and jokes as my defense and as i enter the class room i see there is this one guy who is actually jumping on the bench and shouting, and scared the hell out of me and there is a bunch of guys with a invisible tattoo on their face that is "We are Cool" and with my super power i was able to see the tattoo and there's this girl my crush but the rudest crush in the history of crushes. .So, i choose the first seat because you know my confidence is tearing the roof and now the bell is gone so everyone is i...